Year after year, Kaiser Permanente of the Mid-Atlantic States excels in the detection and treatment of colorectal cancer. Statistically, we catch cancer earlier and treat it more effectively than all local health plans and even most national health plans. Thanks to our medical group’s research and innovation skills, we have introduced new and enhanced screening methods, improved the survival rates of patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer, and more.
Screening rates
We screen more than 84% of our patients regularly, which makes Kaiser Permanente of the Mid-Atlantic States ranked #1 in the region and #2 in the nation for screening rates. Our members have a variety of options for getting screened including: a traditional colonoscopy, or a FIT kit (fecal immunochemical test kit). The FIT kit gives our members the option to perform their own screenings at home, and can be a viable first option to screen for colon cancer for most average-risk patients.
Survival rates
Once our frequent and effective screening programs detect colorectal cancer, our innovative medical research helps us excel in treating it. 78% of our colorectal cancer patients survive an average of 5 years after diagnosis, compared to the national 5-year survival average of 64%.
Additionally, our male and female colorectal cancer patients are more likely to live longer than patients at most health systems in the nation. Per 100,000 patients, fewer than 11 men and women will lose their lives to colorectal cancer, compared to the national average of over 15 women and over 17 men.
Bottom line
The numbers don’t lie. Kaiser Permanente members are more likely to detect colorectal cancer early and get treated quickly thanks to our advanced detection methods, and our award-winning Permanente physicians who provide the best quality care using advanced treatment methods. And our work isn’t done; we will continue our research and innovation to raise the bar even further, and give our patients longer and healthier lives