Is this your year to lose a few pounds? Many people select losing weight as a goal for the new year. Whether you are ready to act or still deciding, these tips can help you get started and stay on track.
Eat a healthful diet
- Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
- Eat at least half of your starch choices from whole grains.
- Limit your intake of high calorie, low nutrient foods, such as sweets, chips, and alcohol.
- Replace soda and juice with water.
Aim for gradual weight loss. Losing one to two pounds per week is realistic. Measure progress
- How your clothes fit.
- Inches lost.
- How you feel.
Be realistic
- Set realistic goals.
- Avoid making vows of always or never.
- Curtail binges as soon as you can. Do not let guilt cause you to keep eating.
- Focus on progress, not failure.
Seek support from others
- Ask family members and friends to help you.
- Talk to others with the same concerns. Join a weight management program or support group.
For more tips for a healthier you, click here.