Spring and summer have always been special seasons for family fun. And that tradition should endure, even in a pandemic. In fact, fun is more essential during spells of uncertainty because enjoying time with loved ones can provide a distraction and help you cope when life throws a curveball. When planning for the spring and summer seasons —especially outside—just know that different activities carry different levels of risk. For instance, playing miniature golf of biking while social distancing can be safer than going to an amusement park or taking a plane ride. Be mindful of these ways to safely savor outdoor fun:
- Wear a mask in public (age 2 and up). A mask protects you and others from certain airborne conditions, such as COVID-19, which you can have without showing symptoms.
- Practice physical distancing. Even when your mask is on, the best way to protect yourself and loved ones is to stay 6 feet from those outside your home.
- Exercise healthy hand hygiene. Wash your hands often with soap and water or use hand sanitizer. And when hosting, provide paper towels, tissue, disinfectant wipes, and touchless trash cans.
- Ask about safety measures at public spaces. Call ahead to ask about safety guidelines for places you want to visit. You’ll be prepared for any do-ahead requirements and know what to expect when you get there.
So go on—have some fun. Keep safety in mind and reduce your risk of exposure as you enjoy spring and summer.